Patrick de Laive (yes, this one) is the organizer of Open Coffee meetings in Amsterdam. He also happens to be a friend of Thomas, our old guest star at Open Coffee Athens. Well, that’s pretty interesting. What is really amazing, however, is this:
Patrick organizes one of the hottest and biggest European conferences on the web, actually The Next Web Conference, which is to be hosted in the attractive ‘Venice of the North’, Amsterdam on the 3rd and 4th of April.
With awesome speakers like Robert Scoble, Werner Vogels & Leah Culver among others already confirmed, Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht recording live their first Diggnation overseas and 24 start-ups presenting themselves in 5′, nobody can complain. To be more accurate, one probably has to be thrilled. At least, that’s entirely true for the greek team that will attend and so far consists out of:
- George Tziralis, askmarkets
- Stefanos Kofopoulos, greek blogger camp
- Panayotis Vryonis,
- Stefanos Vasdekis & John Nousis, zuni
- Alex Arguriou & Dimitris
MoustakasKalogeropoulos, n00b
In the video that follows, Patrick ‘cooks up’ some invites, together with our guru Saul Klein at a recent Open Coffee event in London. It’s a small world, remember?
Looking forward to meet you guys in Amsterdam!